
Friday, January 8, 2016

2015: FLYing Through A Nervous Breakdown

Anyone familiar with the Flylady system? I absolutely love her, and think it's a great system for home and life organization. "FLY" stands for Finally Loving Yourself, but in my mental shorthand, it stands for "getting your shit together." She writes a lot of articles about specific life circumtances, eg FLYing with a toddler, FLYing as a student, FLYing through a move, etc. 2015 was probably my worst year ever, and in trying to make sense of it, I am patting myself on the back for "FLYing through a nervous breakdown." 

When I say my worst year ever, I'm pretty much referring to our family's struggles with mental health and junior high dating. I don't mean to be coy, but I do try to respect my kiddo's privacy somewhat. I have read more parenting books than I can count, and we've spent the monetary equivalent of a vacation on therapy. But hallelujah, things have gotten so much better. For me, once I accepted that the situation just didn't make sense, thus I wasn't a failure for not making sense of it, things clicked into place and I felt more like myself.

No, I didn't lose the 15 pounds I picked up when I completely lost it in October. But I will. And I'm getting much better at telling myself, "You're doing the best you can," and that is a huge improvement for me. Weight loss is just one aspect of health, and as a family, we're doing all we can to stay healthy, both mentally and physically.